When You’re Purchasing a Hearing Aid, Here’s What to Consider

Woman considering buying hearing aids.

The numbers don’t lie: you will probably need hearing aids someday. A quarter of individuals between 60 and 75, according to an NIDCD report, have loss of hearing and for people over 75 this figure increases to 50%. The best method to deal with age-related loss of hearing is to use a hearing aid, but how do you know which style is the right one for you? Hearing aids at one time had issues including susceptibility to water damage and excessive background noise but cutting-edge hearing aids have solved these sorts of problems. But there’s still a good deal you should know when picking a hearing aid to be certain it fits your lifestyle.

Directionality is a Crucial Feature

One important feature you should look for in a hearing aid is directionality, which has the ability to keep background noise to a minimum while focusing on sound you want to hear including conversations. One, if not both, of two types of directionality systems are functioning inside most hearing aids, they either focus in on sound directly in front of you, or they focus on sound coming from different speakers and sometimes do both.

Will Your Hearing Aid Connect With Your Phone?

It’s become obvious, we’re addicted to our phone as a nation. Even if you don’t have a smartphone, chances are you have an old-style cell phone. And for the few who don’t actually own a cell phone, you probably still have a land-line. So, how well hearing aid works with your phone is an important consideration when you’re shopping for hearing aids. How does it sound? Do voices sound sharp? Is it Comfortable? Is it Bluetooth Ready? When looking at new hearing aids, you need to take into account all of these.

Are You Inclined to Wear it?

As mentioned above, hearing aid technology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the last few years. One of those advances has been the size and shape of hearing aids, which are a lot smaller nowadays. But there are undoubtedly pros and cons. A smaller hearing aid may not be as powerful as a bigger one, so it mostly depends on your hearing professional’s recommendation and what you want to achieve with your hearing aid. You can get a hearing aid that fits directly into your ear canal and is basically invisible, but it won’t have many of the functions available in larger hearing aids and will be prone to earwax clogs. On the other side of it, better directionality features and more advanced sound amplification options come with a behind the ear hearing aid even though it’s a little bit larger.

Exposure to Specific Background Sounds

Wind interference has been an extreme difficulty for hearing aid users since they were developed. Being outside during a windy day with a traditional hearing aid used to mean that you couldn’t hear anything but the wind, which is enough to drive anyone nuts. you live in a windy area or if you’re an outdoor kind of person so you’ll want to find a hearing aid that suppresses wind noise so you can have conversations at an average volume and steer clear of the headaches that are linked to hearing aid wind noises. Educate yourself about the many different hearing aid choices available to you. Call us.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.